Afstaka 1890


8 feet 3 inches x 3 feet 6 inches 

This is a soft lanolin rich 4 medallion example from the town of AFSTAKA in the middle Caucasus, a particulary good example of this style, which is ever more difficult to obtain. A carpet which would have required the female weaver at least one year to complete: please note the variations in presentation of the classic bird figures and the fine abrash treatment in the second medallion from the top – a deliberate alteration in wool color to empahsize the design motif. The bottom medallion is of an unusual intense blue not commonly found in the Afstaka color palette, a point of distinction.

The border design of interlocking hook designs adds a power to the overall composition which as a whole has the power to enliven a hallway or many other spaces in the contemporary home in medium wear situations: this is of course a precious antique of increasing value. 


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