السجاد المتطاير 

The Flying Carpet 

فرش پرنده 

Carpet Adventures and Travels Begin

December 22, 2021

Why leave Glorious Brisbane to travel a Covid World ?

Cooped up too long .  Tired of looking at Carpets on line , nice as that is . Need to hold them . And - I Suffer from a condition described by Hans Christian Anderson as " outsickness", the opposite he explained , of " homesickness" . As great as Australia is , the world beckons, in particular those parts of it known for outstanding weaving , carpet production ,natural dyes , and ........adventures :  Morocco , Turkey, Iran , Azerbaijan , Pakistan and beyond .

By captiv8online December 27, 2021
Is leaving Brisbane an act of madness?
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Brisbane palms
By JMF Keeney December 23, 2021
A new very fine book on the subject
By captiv8online December 23, 2021
This Ferahan Sarouk 1880 consoled me during a few very hectic days
By captiv8online December 23, 2021
This rare Afshar 1880 kept me company as I was researching the trip
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