السجاد المتطاير 

The Flying Carpet 

فرش پرنده 

The Planning

December 23, 2021

This rare Afshar 1880 kept me company  as I was researching the trip

In two words, confusing and horrendous , in this Covid world perched between Delta and the new Omicron scare . A lot of running around, phone calls , web searches, vaccinations not only for Covid but: rabies and typhoid, etc . researching and obtaining the supposedly best masks , etc.

But that's boring and its largely done . The real pleasure has been boning up on the rather large canon of superior literature -- that is the best of the " classic " books devoted to carpets, largely Persian , but others too . We will look at these as we go along on this ( mis?) adventure , commencing in a few days . There are some great works , those by PRJ Ford for example , and others who spent decades in the carpet trade , and then turned to scholarship and writing intelligently , if sometimes idiosyncratically , about the wonders of carpet weaving .

And another , on a slightly different plane: " The Root of Wild Madder " published around 2005. This is a fine travel story built around the author's growing love of carpets. He a journalist of many years explored Iran ( Persia ) and Afghanistan . And also the Persian poets, particularly Hafez . And politics and intrigues then and now . Fine book, and recommended for anyone with an incipient or advanced love of carpets. Because it is a telling which unites the history , architecture, religion and many other facets of Persian culture to bring focus on the technique and grandeur of Persian weaving . Excellent .

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