السجاد المتطاير 

The Flying Carpet 

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More Planning and reflection - some chaos

December 23, 2021

This Ferahan Sarouk 1880 consoled me during a few very hectic days

Chaos, the normal prerequisite to travel, particularly of long duration, did ensue . This is the Covid period after all . Airlines are suffering, disorganization is rife . PCR tests  ( which not even doctors I spoke to know what " PRC " stands for, just that you need one now !!)  are difficult to obtain in a 24 hour time frame . I am phoning , ultimately running all around Brisbane in full summer heat , now , being given different stories .  Finally I wind up driving to an obscure office park near the airport to find a supposed PCR testing site for pre flight . Ahhh, it doesn't exist , though a senior executive at the company told me it did, and gave me the address.........you get the story .  Finally after questioning many people and raising a bit of hell , I find that there is a facility at the airport itself , and make a booking . All in a days work . Meanwhile I am organizing Rabies shots , amongst other vaccinations . 

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