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The Flying Carpet 

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Ode to Brisbane

December 27, 2021

Is leaving Brisbane an act of madness?

As said I suffer from outsickness .  The opposite of homesickness .  But one must first have a home to achieve outsickness , by definition , unless one is of that extremely rare , rare breed of the permanent wanderer. I have only met two such people in all the years of travel.

Brisbane my comparatively new home , for 8 months now , out on Moreton Bay .  After some decades in Sydney it is more a paradise than I ever imagined .  Big enough, small enough. Hugely friendly . People have time to actually speak to one another . There is no overwhelming traffic . It has become a vital and active city which lacks nothing . It holds wide green spaces . The ocean breezes , especially here in Wynnum , my country town of 12,000 within a major city , on the Bay are nearly constant . They soothe and refresh .  Beaut .  Brisbane has now enough  of everything : bike trails , parks , jazz bars, restaurants, book stores, art galleries , good graffitti , street musicians, fine restaurants and fun cafes, outdoor markets, urban neighbourhoods, people of all colours , health food , cinemas with taste ,  university districts , -- enough of that city intensity, intelligence  and verve that makes a place swing  .  Its abundantly green! Sub tropical it has no real spring as we know it but get this -- the summer rains come ( very  intermittent ) and there is something like a big summer gush of green, a bloom which races in .  Plants seem to be growing visibly .

And   unique in my experience this Wynnum town on the Bay next to Manly a village attached to a Marina , next door, on the Bay .  And the climate, if you like fine and warmer weather and sun , must be one of the world's best . This always mattered to me, coming from Seattle . And beliefs that it is too hot , I find much exaggerated , by the " southerners" in Australia . Maybe 6-7 weeks of thick humidity a year . I've felt it much  worse in New York and Hong Kong and numerous other places .

After 30 years of visiting Brisbane briefly and not really knowing it , though watching it progress from a big country town, which it was back then , into this sparkling city , I am rapt .  There's wandering to do , but its fine to be anchored here .

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